Is This for You?

Please note that we are not available for private meetings prior to signup for the program. Please email us with questions. This program is for you if you understand that:

  1. We will not be your daddy and do everything for you. We will provide information and guidance but you have to be prepared to do the work.
  2. It may take you some time to get your first deal. You may have to talk to 100 property owners to find 3 that want to proceed. 2 may drop out at the end. It does not work for every house and Seller.
  3. We will give you the tools and assist you to make deals and buy properties. We are not “how to buy real estate with a marketing plan”.
  4. You may have to look outside the Vancouver area to find a deal that works.
  5. We are not Realtors. We do not assist Sellers to market their properties. Your/our goal is to take control of properties to allow you to leverage that asset for the benefit of all of us, including the Seller.
  6. This not a magical formula with special sauce. We provide common sense solutions for Sellers using common real estate tools that are available to anyone.
  7. We are looking for partners. You need to find the properties and we will help you structure the deals. We will share the profits.
  8. If you find or have a property that you think might, we usually do not need to meet with all parties in a rush meeting. Providing us with the property information (we will tell you what is needed) by email first, is the best first step.
  9. This a generally long term strategy. Be prepared to grow the business over time. You may have to hold and manage your properties for years before they are sold.